School Library
BHA Library
Our library is a buzzing hub of learning and reading that is situated at the heart of our community. Students can come to read or work at lunchtimes. During lesson times, classes use the library as a learning space. The English Department have regular reading river sessions scheduled once a fortnight. It is also the space where our Reading Buddy Scheme and Dyslexia Support Group, Language for Learning and Handwriting groups are held.
We are currently redesigning our library and updating the space and stock over the course of the academic year 2023-2024. We envisage our library becoming our bookshop as suggested in ‘The Reading Framework’ July 2023. The Bredon Hill Academy Library is open every lunchtime from 11.50am – 12.3Opm. On Tuesdays our Book Club runs and during Fridays we run Book Talk. We want to encourage all students to develop their reading habit for pleasure. Many of the new books in the library were bought using money raised by the Book Fair, which takes place twice a year. It is staffed by teachers, teaching assistants and Year 8 librarians, all of whom can assist students in choosing books that are appropriate to their age and interests. Students may select up to two books at a time and may keep their books for a period of up to four weeks.
Links to reading lists below.